---Alice Abrams

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Manic Monday - Ship

Miss Bee - this one's for you!!! I bet they didn't have a swimming pool on board this old lady of the ocean. I have no idea what year this was supposed to be, and I've refused to watch "The Titanic," just on general principles.
I imagine all of the rich and famous dressed to the nines! Can you imagine if FiFi and Foo-Foo had walked into the dining room with the bicycle pants and comb-over???

I only have two packages to ship - I'm so fortunate my family lives close by!

Please be certain to visit Manic Monday
the brain child of our Marvelous Mo!


Anonymous said...

what a beautiful ship!! I'd love to spot fifi and foofoo on that one!! Have a great Monday, Grace.

Unknown said...

Great MM Post!

My MM post this week involves cruising on the high seas.

peace, Villager

Durward Discussion said...

The song would drive a saint to attack strangers who dared to sing it, but the movie is quite good.

Constance said...

Good Monday morning to you, Gracie ! How are you doing ?

The recent movie was actually incredible, and a lovely tribute to those people who lost thier lives in such an unncessary tragedy... It is worth watching, both for the history of the magnificnet ship, and also the whys and hows of how pride and greed caused the disaster...

maryt/theteach said...

Grace, I watched "Titanic" and cried my eyes out. I can't watch it again. Beautiful picture of an old cruise ship though.

Thanks for visiting me on MM.

Sandee said...

I thought about Empress Bee on this word too, but I'm glad you did this for her. It's much better than where I was going. Have a great day Gracie. :)

Maggie Moo said...

Yup-for sure it's a day for Ms. Bee. :) But your ship is pretty. Happy MM!

Crazy Working Mom said...

Hah hah hah...good one Gracie! Fifi and fofoo...I miss 'em already! *LOL*

Great post. I've never been on a SHIP but I hope to dome day.

Travis Cody said...

If that is a picture of Titanic, then it would be April 1912.

She was a beautiful ship and deserved so much better than to be driven into an iceberg.

Mimi Lenox said...

Hi Gracie. You have an award waiting at my place.

I'd Like To Thank The Blogademy

Linda said...

I know that the Queen Mary actually did have a swimming pool on board; it was located below deck and not on-board but I doubt that this old lovely ship even had one of those!

Mo and The Purries said...

Ha - I'm picturing FiFi and FooFoo on the Titanic!
Women and Combovers first!