---Alice Abrams

Friday, May 22, 2009

I'm Really Angry!

I'm so angry I could spit bricks (yeah, I know that's not correct but I'd prefer not to do it the other way).

There's a certain MM on the blogs (I refuse to name or link) that loves to go crap on other people's blogs because he disagrees vehemently with them. I would dearly love to go and leave a comment letting this person know how I feel about him but then I would be descending to his level. So, the only outlet I have is MY space here to vent. If I don't agree with someone - 1. I don't go back to their blog, or - 2. Find a common ground and stick to that. There have been many occasions that I've disagreed with someone only to become very fond of them by really listening and agreeing to disagree.

There's such a lack of respect these days. It really hurts my heart to see a man who has served his country and deserves nothing but respect, get dumped on like that. NO, you do not have to agree with him! He has very strong opinions and, right or wrong, he IS entitled to them. For Pete's sake, (and this applies to everyone!) just because you disagree with someone, don't be a smart ass and leave derogatory comments or be insulting. There's NOTHING worse than a bully with a smart mouth and a hateful heart.


Callie Ann said...


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

he is a nut job isn't he? but don't be angry honey, consider the source. for the life of me i cannot understand anyone thinking like he does but i guess i don't know everything. try to relax and take some deep breaths honey...

smiles, bee

Linda said...

I have to agree with you that if you don't agree with someone, just don't go to their blog anymore. It does no one any good to just antagonize someone and call names but there are an awful lot of people around nowadays who feel they have that right and abuse the blue hell out of it.

Just consider the source and then try to let it go as there is just no teaching some people manners.

Flag Gazer said...

I agree with you, too... and MM and his girlfriend left obscene comments on the tribute to a fallen soldier because I disagreed with MM at Sarge's... They have no class and no intellect.

Gattina said...

There will be always black sheeps on each side. I don't know what you are talking about, but don't get angry because of a blogger, it's just not worthwhile, we have already enough in real life.

Sarge Charlie said...

well said gracie, me, I like to pull his chain.

did you see where he said you should read your bible more and thump it less. he is a pig.

CrAzY Working Mom said...

Well, there are times when we all disagree with one another, but that's part of life. We must learn to agree to disagree in my opinion and not get too upset about things.

I've had my blood boiling over comments before as well, and I just quit visiting and stopped worrying and eventually it went away. I don't know the situation here, but hopefully the same will happen to you.

Kanani said...

I got pulled into that rant by Bond against the readers of Sarge's blog. It was amusing for me to see him not even understand how he made a gross generalization by calling everyone "the worst."

But that's their sword to wrestle with, not mine! As for Matt and Sarge --they love to yank each other's chains. It's like watching reality TV sometimes.