---Alice Abrams

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Oh My! A Study in Contrasts

I recently reconnected with a dear friend that I've known since kindergarten.  She happened to find me on FaceBook!  She posted this old photo she'd kept as her avatar.  I nearly choked...I hadn't seen it in 50 years, but I remembered it!  Looking at as an adult, I'm absolutely horrified by my expression!  Was I trying to be a 12 year old sexpot?  Oh goodness. That's scary... 

Looking at the two of us, so very, very young, I'm astounded at the differences in us:  She's fair and I'm dark. She has such a darling gamin look about her, upturned smile, sweet little chin, aquiline nose and eyes that hint of spunk and playfulness. 

She used to come to church with us, and we always liked it best when it was just my dad.  He was so much fun!  He like to listen to rock 'n roll on the radio, and sometimes we'd stop and get cokes on the way home.  Or if we were really good, we'd come home via Signal Hill (a rather steep hill in Long Beach CA).  The attraction was a very steep portion of the road that was like a roller coaster - you'd get to the crest and lose your stomach on the way down. 

We went to different schools in high school, then married young and had kids. So we kind of lost touch.  She has been such a good friend over the years, calling and checking up on me.  About 12 years or so ago, we moved and our telephone was unlisted.  Our lives traveled very different roads.  She lived in Indiana and is now retired living the life in Florida!  I'm so happy for her.  FaceBook, thank you!


Anonymous said...

I've found so many classmates and old friends through Facebook! I started a group for our class and we've already got about 50 alumni. There have already been lots of mini-reunions! In fact, I'm hoping to have one myself at the end of August!

I'm so glad you reconnected with an old friend!

Big hugs :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh gracie! you were hawt!

smiles, bee

Sarge Charlie said...

the word is out, gracie is a hottie.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a blessing that you found each other again. Love the picture. I hope you can plan a reunion together (make sure you post some pics if you do). Thanks for bringing a smile to my day.

Traveling Bells said...

That is one of the major advantages of FB, that and keeping tabs on my kids! Those old photos evoke such sweet memories. I'm glad y'all got reconnected. Don't lose each other again!

Have a great day. Big hugs, honey...

Zane D. Clark said...

It is a wonderful thing to reconnect with someone you've been looking for.

Linda said...

I was just saying the other day that it would be nice to reconnect with some old friends on Facebook but having grown up in the military and moved all over the place, that's never easy or even possible it seems.

I think it's great that you and your best bud from years gone by have reconnected after all these years - that's just too cool! And what a cute picture of the two of you even though you were trying to look a lot older than your 12 years! Too many movies for you with all those pin-up girls!

Sandee said...

What Empress Bee said. You were indeed beautiful and HAWT too. :)

Christian said...

Hi gracie!

Thanks for your comment on my post!

Hope to see you more often.

God bless you!!!

Desert Songbird said...

Facebook, while I rebelled and railed against using, has become a connection for past friends. It's been fun catching up and "visiting" across the miles. I'm glad you got this opportunity to reconnect with your friend as well as with your "past self." ;)