---Alice Abrams

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Manic Monday - Green

I'm not a believer of "Little Green Men," but I decided to go for fun for this Monday's post since I figured all of the rest would be for beautiful photos of green places or green as it relates to global warming. I think my garage sale also had something to do with it...maybe they do exist?


Sarge Charlie said...

Hi Miss Gracie, you finished moving yet, that sucks, I hope we have done it for the last time.

Durward Discussion said...

Now that was fun. Thank you.

Mz Jackson said...

I like your take on the topic! Have a great MM!

Sandee said...

Great post on green. Maybe they just exist during garage sales? Thanks for your wonderful email yesterday. You are such a dear heart. ♥

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

who says they don't exist? you never know, right?

smiles, bee

Mo and The Purries said...

I think that (anal probes aside), aliens have to be more respectful than those monsters you had at your garage sale!

Anonymous said...

DANG!!! Good Call. I didn't think of little green men. Man o man could I have gone off on the Little green men having little green Ummmmmm...... Thingies because they eat little green soybeans.

I like your take on Green.

Later Y'all

Linda said...

Who says there aren't little green men? I hope we are not the only intelligent life in this whole universe. I did my first MM today and mine is on Kermit.

Katie said...

I swear the other office in my building has aliens working for them!!!

NOLADawn said...

Funny. Didn't even think of that one.

Linda said...

Too bad there weren't some little green men that could have beamed down and helped you with your moving!

Hope you're having a less Manic Monday than the name suggests!

Desert Songbird said...

I think those little green men were at your garage sale...