You've probably heard of arachnophobia, thanks in part to the movie with the same name, and claustrophobia, but what about Gephyrophobia or Mysophobia? I was surprised to see that I suffer from several of these! What about you??? Leave your phobias in the comment section and we'll all compare. Thanks!
1. Ailurophobia: Fear of cats
The only cats I'm afraid of are the ones on "America's Funniest Home Videos" who can talk!
Remember the cat who repeatedly said, " Mama, mama!" Freaky!
2. Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
You guys know I love dogs; it's the dawgs I'm a little leary of, and anything that foams at the mouth.
3. Entomophobia: Fear of insects
I am not inordinately afraid of "bugs," but we went camping one year where they took on prehistoric dimensions! Something landed on our picnic table that sounded like a helicopter coming in for a landing! Some scary stuff!!!
4. Ereuthophobia: Fear of blushing
Now, this one really surprised me! I have a strange fear of the "old lady applying too much blush" syndrome. I saw a photo of myself and I realized I had a heavy hand with the blush and knew the time had come - to buy a mirror with better magnification so I can see what the heck I'm doing without my glasses on! I looked like "Raggedy Anne." Gag...
5. Gephyrophobia: Fear of crossing a bridge
This one has a lot of us nowadays, especially after the tragedy in Minneapolis.
6. Gymnophobia: Fear of seeing a naked person
Uh, yeah! Especially myself in the bathroom mirror! It's worse than Texas Chainsaw Massacre!
7. Ichthyophobia: Fear of fish
I'm only afraid of fish that have fins and swim while this eerie music plays in the background: ta-dum, ta-dum, ta-dum...(Technically, is a shark a fish?)
8. Mysophobia: Fear of dirt
I'm very afraid of any dirt that may get dished out about me. It could be juicy! (Sure...)
9. Nostophobia: Fear of going home
My first husband had this but only when he and Jack Daniels had gotten together.
10.Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes
Only the vipers and those in the humanoid group.
11. Phobophobia: Fear of phobias
Does this mean some people sit around being afraid of being afraid? Scary!
12. Psychrophobia: Fear of the cold
Nope, not me! I have the opposite. I have "Gehennaphobia," and an extreme fear of weather systems over 75 degrees! (Notice the spelling of this phobia - awfully close to "psycho!"
13. Spectrophobia: Fear of mirrors
This fear goes hand-in-hand with No. 6. Sometimes I can be walking about and glimpse this person who sort of looks like me but yet, doesn't look like I ought to look. She scares me. I think it's my reflection. Shiver....