---Alice Abrams

Friday, July 30, 2010

When a Girl's Gotta Go, A Girl's Gotta Go!!!

Thanks to the "Gubernator,"there's no money for state be certain you go before you go!


Anonymous said...

If Disney World can make money why can't a State Park? Let me answer tell you why. It's because city/state/federal governments aren't run like a business. No business Owners/Board of Directors would continue to operate a business at a loss. Adjustments to the business model would be made so that it either made money, they sold it or closed it.

Amazing Gracie said...

Barb- you are so right! Gov't is a monster feeding upon itself and vomiting all over us! (Sorry for the sick illustration)
~~~I always thought that the folks in office were so much smarter than I; after all, they had been elected. Well, you grow up and realize that you're a heckuva lot smarter than you ever thought...

Anonymous said...

now there is when it's time to go pee in the bushes!! Happy Friday, Gracie.

Sarge Charlie said...

holy crap, what if you have to go, maybe in the rocks......

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i totally agree with barb! like the post office too, look how successful ups and fedx are. the usps? not so much.

have a great day honey!

smiles, bee

Sandee said...

We've not had a good governor since Pete Wilson. Just my two cents.

The other problem is this state is a welfare state and the entitlements are killing us. Will anything be done? Not likely.

Have a terrific day Grace. Sorry about the rap music, but the video was really cute. Made me laugh out loud. :)

Zane D. Clark said...

The only job they have after being elected is getting reelected. They do not care a bit for the public, only their power in office.

Meg started out gangbusters and now is just like the rest. My guess is that she figures she can sit in California for a while and then buy the Oval Office.

It is all sick.

Desert Songbird said...

We feel the pinch here, too. State workers have had to take furlough days, and citizens who want to go to state offices on certain Fridays are just SOL!

Traveling Bells said...

I think all politicians should have business experience before they can run for office. They are all spending someone else's money, so they feel as if the pockets are limitless. Georgia has to have a balanced budget. The federal guvmint should also be required to have a balanced budget. Period.

Hugs, honey...

CrAzY Working Mom said...

That's just crazy!
...they'd get you for public indecency if you went in the bushes!