---Alice Abrams

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

109 degrees by Friday. (Now it's 111!)

The latest forecast for you all in the midwest and northeast: When weather collides!

Death Valley Springs

I use this photo a lot but this face is my face when faced with 109°!!!It means going out and watering all of my hanging pots twice and trying to keep everything alive and out of the direct sun, including me.Yeah, yeah - I's a dry heat. So what! It's still HOT! The hottest day I've ever seen here was 117° It literally takes your breath away. The water in your swimming pool feels like a bathtub and there's no relief to be had.

We'll all read about some idiot who left their child in the car while they ran into the store "for just a minute," and some poor elderly person will die because they were afraid to open their window or turn on the air conditioner. Gangs will go at each other and innocent people will get in the middle of it, more than likely a child. It happens every summer... I think the heat brings out the stupidity in all of humankind!

I have to put it in property perspective and remember our troops in that hell-hole called Iraq where it's more than likely 150 in the shade, and those guys are wearing body armor and toting full gear! Lord God, keep 'em safe and bring 'em home soon...

And now Little Mary Sunshine will go away and try to think more happy thoughts...


Constance said...

Heat like that causes all the problems you mentioned Gracie.

Our boys overseas have it bad, too, that way and I so pray for their safety....

I wanted to thank you again for the 'rockin girl blogger' award. I put it up today. You and Grace both tagged me last week, and so I tried to do two at once !

I hope your air conditioner is on and you and hubs and your pets are comfortable. It's in the 90's here this week, and that's too hot for me, so I'm amazed you can stand it over 100 !

Unknown said...

Oh my... that´s 42.5°C! Although is pretty cold in Germany (16°C - 61°F) and we´re freezing I don´t want to change places.

I feel for you - please take care!


P.S.: The Summer Top50 is up - including ZZ Top´s "Legs". Love this song! ;)

Crazy Working Mom said...

It's not quite that hot here yet temperature wise. But, the heat here is NOT dry. It's very humid. That's what makes us so miserable in Arkansas.

Here's to a tall glass of iced tea and a nice breeze blowing from a fan!

Maggie Moo said...

Yup. Reason #5589230 why I could never live in CA (or FL again). I know we've got humidity here and it's pretty oppressive, but I can't imagine life without the NE breezes...stay inside k? Put on the AC and put on a Moo Moo and sip iced tea or water all day.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

little mary sunshine! ha ha, you are so cute gracie honey. come to podunk, it's cool up here on this mountain...

smiles, bee

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Thanks Gracie for your kind comments or I should say compliments about me. I don't know if I deserve them but thanks!! My friend Betty went home to Heaven this morning at 2:15 am. She is walking around Heaven now using her favorite word..AWESOME!! I can just hear her if I listen really really hard. We all miss her but we are happy for her. When I saw her yesterday I knew it was going to be soon. Sandy

Sarge Charlie said...

Yep, it was 62 this morning, it is now noon and already up to 73, it is tough, but someone has to be here

Linda said...

It's going to be hot and sticky here for the 4th, but only in the low 90's or high 80's. Thanks for stopping by and giving me those encouraging words.

I like your new pictures.

Shaz said...

It's rained so much in England over the past three weeks we are on severe weather & flood warnings in some areas (although not where we are) & this is meant to be our Summer!!!!

I'm not sure I'd cope with your heat though either, take care x x

Carrie said...

Ooh, I hate the heat too!

But I'm right underneath the L in "Cooler", so it looks like I've got rain to look forward to. That makes me happy! It's been so dry the past few weeks!!!

Desert Songbird said...

Yesterday we officially hit 114 or something like that. I think they believed it would be 118. Yes, there is virtually no humidity (3-7%), but I agree, it's just hot. Of course, we are very spoiled with our air conditioned home and air conditioned cars. Still, what I wouldn't do for a good soaking rain about now...

Gene Bach said...

I finished high school and went to college in the desert of southern California (riverside County). Average temps during a summer day were 110-115 and many days were 120+. Not my favorite weather to be certain.

It's supposed to be over 100 here starting today. The beach is looking better and better all the time. LOL!

Gene said...

That is really hot! whew! My daughter who is a missionary lives in Mexico and it is really hot there in May. Carrie 's son Jey and his wife Sofi had the new baby boy on June 22. She is on her way up to Missouri and it hot here but nothing like where you live or down there. So she gets to have hot twice, but seeing her grandson will make it just fine no matter how hot it is!! Just for the record I Hate hot! and I am so thankful for the AC!

Linda said...

I hope that the heat of that magnitude doesn't stick around for too long as we all know that the longer it last, the worse things will get.

Try to stay indoors with a/c and stay as cool as possible. It used to get hideously hot when I lived in Stockton and that was the only thing you could do. I can still remember going out to grocery shop, etc. only after the sun had gone down and it was still too hot!

Stay hydrated!!!

Anonymous said...

Holy crappola! I had to check my handy dandy temperature converter - 109 is 42.7' celsius for us Canucks!

I'm cranky when the mercury is pushing 30! (that's 86 for you! :-)