The Moaning Meme - Sounds Erotic!
Sarge Charlie tagged me with this one - he said I'd be nice! He, he, he... I only show him my good side; he hasn't seen my "dark side." Be prepared, Sarge!
4 things that should go into room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth:
Things? Can it be a person? I'm thinking Osama and that little runt in Iran. And throw Putin and Kim in, too.
3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently:
People who are rude and crude on the blogs - you know who you are - and incite anger intentionally, then use people's blogrolls to tell tales and try to steal readership. This is about as juvenille as it gets, folks!
People who bully others - I have no use for a bully.
I cannot abide liars! Tell the truth or keep your yap shut!
2 things you find yourself moaning about:
Politicians on both sides of the aisles but in particular Kennedy, Reid and Pelosi. Most of 'em suck!
This has got to be the longest political race in the history of mankind! I'm already sick of it and am getting sicker by the moment as each side tries to muddy the other. ACK!!!!
1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself:
Maybe that I have an opinion or two and I will stick up for the underdog? I dunno...
Link to the original meme at sopeople know what it's all about! Be as honest as possible, This is about letting
people get to know the real you! Try not to insult anyone - unless they really
deserve it or are very, very ugly! Post these rules at the end of every meme.
I will tag the following:
Good for you, Gracie! Those are some good things to moan about - Sarge Charlie picked well!
Great job Gracie, yep I know who they are, I will also admit that sometimes I will tick some people off......
you mean sarge admitted he could tick off someone?? ha ha ha ha ha, bless his heart.
great answers...
smiles, bee
Let me just tell you - I always appreciate the way you convey your opinions. I may not agree, but I never feel alienated.
A gret tag Gracie; unfortunately I must decline..due to so many computer problems at the moment (my major moan!!) which are limiting my blogging time I've actually requested on my main blog "no tags please". It would be unfair for me to do yours when I've turned down so many on my gardening blog. Thanks for thinking of me though :o)
It's amazing how often people are moaning about politicians!
Thanks for doing the meme!
Totally agree with you on the 4 people who should be removed !
Good for you, Gracie! Those are some good things to moan about
It would be unfair for me to do yours when I've turned down so many on my gardening blog.
Often, this is with reference to using WP as a more web site-ish CMS, e.g. a community site. So, I thought I’d kill three birds with this post. One: Write a (hopefully) brief guide answering the abovementioned
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