---Alice Abrams

Friday, April 24, 2009

Photo Hunters - Protect(ion)

Don't ya get near my mama! I'll growl and yap at ya! Once I get to know you, you'll be my pal, but hands off my mom! (Truth is, I'm a big baby - all bark - no bite!)

Please visit our hostess, TN Chick
Photo Hunters


Becky said...

Too cute. Reminds me of my daughter's dog, who I'm sure protects much the same way your's does. Nice choice.

My photo is posted here.

jams o donnell said...

Aww, possiblyn the cutest guard dog on the planet! Happy weekend

Mariposa said...

Ha ha ha! How cute!!!

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Where there is a dog, there is a bite, I am more than sure ;-)

Speaks a cat person, of course.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

That face is adorable and the expression is priceless.

Stop by and see mine if you have the chance.
JyLnC's Photo Hunt

SASSY MOM said...

Cute dogie!happy weekend!
Mine is here.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet face! I never had a dog who was protective - they just loved everyone. I hope to get a lab one day soon, because as much as I love my cats, I sure do miss having a dog.

Ladykli said...

He looks like he means buisness! Very cute!

Here's my proctection.

Tara R. said...

What a sweet guard dog! Fun pick for the theme.

Here are mine: If Mom Says OK ~ PhotoHunt

Sarge Charlie said...

In most cases a bark is enough. What is up with your grandson

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh yeah, that's protection all right! ha ha ha

smiles, bee

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

What a cute picture for today's word. I always loved playing but have been just behind a lot lately. I am at Curves now ...working?? Just waiting for some one to come in..Hope all is well in your world..Sandy

Unknown said...

Such a cutie -- and maybe a degree of protection, huh?

Brita said...

Great choise for the theme. Such a cute protector.

Tammy said...

Now that's a cute protector!

Randi said...

That's a gorgeous picture of your cute dog!
Happy weekend.

Julie Shaw said...


srp said...

At least he looks tough! My Daisy doesn't growl, bark or lunge at anyone... just squirrels. So if a squirrel ever attacks me.. maybe then.
Mine is here.

Traveling Bells said...

How cute!!!

healingmagichands said...

Maybe he is a big baby, but he looks very serious in that picture. Everybody needs a protector that sweet.

Sandee said...

Well, there has to be someone looking out for mom. Why not? Adorable honey.

Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)