---Alice Abrams

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - Pull My Feather


jams o donnell said...

Now that made me laugh! great pic. Happy WW!

Jenn in Holland said...

hahahahaha! Excellent post. I just love that duck.

MammaMayMiller said...

hehehe that's very good :o)!!

Shaz said...

Does that Duck have ears? It certainly looks like he's suffering from wind! . . .lol

impwork said...


Donna. W said...

Strangest duck I've ever seen!

Anonymous said...

What an interesting duck!

Reminds me of the ducks at my last home. They'd walk up to my back door from the pond at 5:00 for happy hour (bread or feed corn).

Good memory. :-D)

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

is that melon's duck?

smiles, bee

Maggie Moo said...

That IS funny, but I didn't get the "bubbles" at first...I mean I saw them but didn't think anything of them until I saw the title...what I thought when I first saw this picture was, "What an oddly shaped head that duck has."

Happy WW my friend!

Sarge Charlie said...

a duck with gas, the meloncutter will feel at home here.

Anonymous said...

that is a funny one, Gracie!

Gattina said...

hahaha, what a smile ! I should put the picture on my wall and look at it each time I am in a bad mood !

Desert Songbird said...

Making his own jacuzzi!

Sandee said...

He's a big one isn't he. Wow, what kind? He's beautiful none-the-less. Have a great WW Gracie. :)

katherine. said...

perfect caption!

Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Great picture for today....SAndy

RUTH said...

Great photo...plenty of bubbles. Happy WW

Linda said...

Heehee! Now that was a cute WW post!

Crazy Working Mom said...

hee hee that's funny, Gracie! I like that one. :)

Happy WW.

crpitt said...

thought you would like this quote from people in favour of the cull

'Since Ruddy Ducks are proven Transatlantic vagrants, what's to stop a randy Yank or fifty dropping down in Spain after the cull? The whole thing smells of 'euro-politic' to me! Shall we cull all Mallards in case they further dilute the US Black Duck gene pool?'

Anonymous said...

At least he ain't biting the bubbles.

Lol. Good one.

Later Y'all.

Mo and The Purries said...

too much water-broccoli, obviously