---Alice Abrams

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Manic Monday - Chip

Sorry to all of you in the military but I thought of the infamous "Chipped Beef," or as it's more commonly known, "Chit on a Shingle," for my use of the word for today. Now, my mom made a mean SOS. I actually grew up liking the stuff! She used button mushrooms, pimientos and good sour dough bread. Okay, as a kid, I'll admit I picked out the mushrooms and pimientos, but as an adult that's the way I fix it. When I was a kid, the women in the cafeteria used wallpaper paste as a base and that's how I image you military guys get it, so you have my sympathies!

Fancy Creamed Chipped Beef on Toast

(4 servings)

  • 4 Tbs (60 ml) butter
  • 1/2 lb (250 g) mushrooms -- sliced
  • 6 oz (170 g) dried chipped beef
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
  • 1 Tbs (15 ml) Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 recipe cream sauce (see below)
  • 4 to 8 slices toasted white bread
  • Cream Sauce
  • 6 Tbs (90 ml) butter
  • 6 Tbs (90 ml) flour
  • 1 cup (250 ml) beef or chicken broth -- or milk 1 cup (250 ml) heavy cream
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
  • A grating of fresh nutmeg
Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan over moderate heat. Add the mushrooms and saute for 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the chipped beef and Worcestershire sauce and stir to combine.
Remove from the heat. Taste for seasoning with salt and pepper - the chipped beef may already be salty enough. Combine with the cream sauce and spoon over toasted white bread.

Cream Sauce:

Melt the butter in a heavy saucepan over moderate heat. Stir in the flour and allow to bubble for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring frequently. Add the liquids and the seasonings and stir constantly with a whisk until thick and creamy. Makes about 2 cups (500 ml).


Desert Songbird said...

I actually like chipped beef! This is the second recipe I've come across for this week's Manic Monday. Guess I'll have to get cooking!

Durward Discussion said...

Another person who grew up with chipped beef. For us it was in either mushroom soup or a good white sauce served over toast. Thank you for the recipe

Barb said...

I haven't had that in years but I love it!!!

Stine said...

Never tried - but sounds ok to me...

Constance said...

Good Monday morning Gracie ! It certainly sounds like you greatly imporved on the recipe that the military has ! I bet they wish you were doing their cooking !

That is amazing that you have been to 'Harmony' ! Small world, huh ? The sign said the population was 75, so I figured it must be tiny, it just seemed like a great name for a town...

I've driven through Cambria, but never stayed there. The coast IS incredibly beautiful though, isn't it ?
B&B'S just enchant me, there is something so welcoming about them compared to a hotel...

I'm glad that you liked my 'pot of gold/rainbow' graphic the other day. Thank you for commenting on it !

Hope you and Hubman and the pets have a good Monday, Gracie !

Anonymous said...

I've never tried it either, but it sound very good!

Thanks for the recipe, & great idea for MM :-)

Ron Simpson said...

i like to make mine with buttermilk biscuits and sausage. I sautee mushrooms, onions and garlic in there too. I like to make a dark roux and use some cajun seasonings sometimes too.

Anonymous said...

Actually I just printed off your recipe..I love SOS...ordinarily I make it with sausage...I can't wait to try this next weekend! Both my husband and I are not only army brats but also army we are quite familar with this menu item ;)

Unknown said...

Aaaaah, so many delicious recipes today. I will try the Fancy Creamed Chipped beef on Toast, too. Taht´s for sure =)

Thanks for sharing, Gracie!

Unknown said...

I love Creamed Chipped Beef but can't eat it anymore
Salt makes my eyes pop out
But love it anyway

Anonymous said...

I LOVE chipped beef! Can't wait to try the recipe. It's been so long...I can't wait for that taste again...

Linda said...

I make a mean SOS - the real version that the military serves up made with bacon fat and ground beef! My Dad was career Air Force and I used to make it for him every once in awhile and he always loved it.

When I was in the Air Force, I used to like to have mine served over my hash browns with scrambled eggs mixed in for good measure. Ah, does that bring back the memories! Hard to believe that was 30 years ago!

Travis Cody said...

This actually sounds delicious.

Sarge Charlie said...

Ok, when i was drafted in 1960, I looked at SOS in the mess hall and passed, it turns out over the years I love, one of my very best breakfast meals.

Miss Bee makes chipped beef gravy with little jars of chipped beef you buy in the store and a milk gravy, i love that also.

In the army, it was not made with chipped beef, they used hamburger meat, gooooooooooood stuuuuuuuuuf.

Sarge Charlie said...

what is really good, sos on toast with two fried eggs on top, don't knock till you try it......

Gattina said...

Sounds very appetizing ! Maybe you could serve it with chips, lol ?

Dean aka Sgt Dub said...

Grace, well, the SOS I've seen in the Army uses sausage or hamburger meat and 1/2 pound of salt. It almost tastes like sea water, cept not as good. hehe. Hope you are having a great day.

Mo and The Purries said...

I grew up with chipped beef -- haven't had it in YEARS but it sounds good right now!
Great "chip" entry!

And hot dang -- Sarge's idea of fried eggs ontop of SOS sounds yummy, too!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

we love this! smiles, bee